Contact Info

Reach out on any of the platforms below if you are interested in my services or have business inquires.

Discord - LintelloBrume (Join and say hello in the #mangement-landing-zone) Twitter - @LintelloBrume Email - [email protected] Twitch - (Ask anything about my services while I’m live)

Contact Form


Services Offered - DM if you are interested!

All services require you to fill out an intake form to help us get a sense of your current situation and how best to structure our discussion.

<aside> ✅ Consultations Open for 1:1 sessions


Questions and Simple Consultation -Free!

Whether you just want to understand more about how management works, get feedback on an idea, learn how to read analytics, just ask! I’m more than happy to take a bit of time and help others out. Feel free to DM me on Twitter or fill out the contact form below with your questions

Contact Form

1:1 Session (up to 2 hours) - Starting from 85$ USD

For creators who need some guidance or detailed assistance. This session is best as a general check-in or with a laser-focus on a single topic - usually consulting on events. At it’s core, this is time for you as the client to drive what topics, feedback and help you want. A typical 2 hour session will go like this: